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Community Design Workshop  (Jan 25, 2023)

Our last community workshop was fantastic! HUGE MAHALO to Terri Napeahi, Hikili Lani, and Ho`omai Pascua for joining us and sharing your mana`o.


We received so much wonderful feedback throughout the workshop series and look forward to working with the contractors and engineering firm to bring you what YOU want.


If you missed out on the workshops, NO WORRY BEEF CURY! You can always submit input and feedback either directly to HI County Dept. of Parks and Recreation OR send it to us at

No Upcomming Events

Even though we don't have any upcoming events at this time, we'd LOVE for you to get involved and be a part of the Hilo Skateplaza Coalition. If you're all about creating social media content and getting the word out, JOIN US! If you're interested in taking a larger role in the skate park project, JOIN THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS and see what a government + grass roots collaboration is all about. We NEED you! We WANT you! Email us at for more info and to find out when our next meeting is.

Community Design Workshop 2 (Jan 7, 2023)
Skateplaze Trib-Her 1-13-23 2.png

Whelp, 2 down and 1 more to go! Our second (of 3) community workshops was even better than the first! This time the workshop was held across the street from the future site and attendees could go there and see just how BIG the park is going to be. It's pretty incredible!


We had mixed groups working on brainstorming skate park designs. Some groups had discussions and made lists of the features and elements that are important to them while others preferred to grab big sheets of paper and markers and sketch out what their "dream park" would be like. The different groups were fantastic because we all do our best work in different environments. This allowed attendees to feel comfortable really putting their ideas and wants out there.


All of this is SO IMPORTANT to helping us see trends in what features and layouts are the most desired across the board. This will give Grindline an much more solid base to build from when they work on conceptual designs.


We have 1 more workshop still to come. We will be talking about the cultural history and significance of the site so and brainstorm how we can honor the land and its people through the park design. DON'T MISS IT! It'll be like nothing you've been to before!

Community Design Workshop 1 (Nov 30, 2022)

Our first (of 3) community workshops was a SUCCESS! It was a small group but we got some great feedback on general design aspects of the park.


Once discussions really got going, participants came up with fantastic ideas and important considerations that hadn't been considered yet. THAT WAS OUR GOAL! As much as we and our partners like to pat ourselves on the back for the progress that's being made, we just can't think of everything. WE NEED YOU.


If you missed it, don't worry! There are 2 more meetings set for after the Holidays. The next one will be the most exciting, for sure, since we'll be getting into the nitty gritty features of the skatepark section!

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